Empowering the Next Generation: The Plumbing Professionals Development Scheme (PPDS)

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In PPDS, Heating, Plumbing, Training

In an industry as essential as plumbing and heating, fostering new talent is key to ensuring a sustainable future. The Plumbing Professionals Development Scheme (PPDS) is an initiative launched in January 2024 by the Chartered Institute of Plumbing & Heating Engineering (CIPHE) in collaboration with the Worshipful Company of Plumbers (WCP).

Celebrating the First Nine Months of Success

As we reflect on the first nine months of the PPDS, the results are already promising. The scheme has kicked off with a focus on comprehensive professional development, offering participants a unique blend of training that covers not just technical knowledge but also business acumen and essential soft skills. From learning the latest in green technologies and low-temperature systems to mastering teamwork and leadership, PPDS members are being equipped to lead the industry into the future.

But what sets the scheme apart is its personal touch: each PPDS member is paired with a dedicated mentor—an industry expert who offers guidance on technical challenges, career progression, and even personal development.

Key Milestones and Events

In its first months, the scheme has already delivered impressive results. The inaugural cohort of 10 talented individuals, all having completed their NVQ Level 2, has embarked on a robust professional development journey. Highlights include:

  • Three major training sessions, covering essential topics like heat loss calculation methodologies and updates to Building Regulations Part L.
  • Participation in industry-leading events like the InstallerShow, where members engaged with cutting-edge innovations and networked with peers in the industry.
  • An inspiring presentation at the WCP Annual Lecture from Gareth Owen OBE, from Save the Children UK bringing a global perspective on the importance of water conservation.

Looking Ahead

As the scheme gears up for the next round of activities, there's plenty to be excited about. Upcoming training sessions will dive deeper into crucial topics like water conservation and the Water Label criteria, while the 2025 cohort is already in the process of being selected.


The Plumbing Professionals Development Scheme is more than just a training program—it's a commitment to the future of plumbing and heating. By empowering young professionals with the skills, mentorship, and opportunities they need, PPDS is shaping the next generation of leaders in an ever-evolving industry.