ACP / WaterSafe Registration Form

Welcome to the registration form for the CIPHE's Approved Contractor Person (ACP) scheme and WaterSafe. This form is for eligible ACIPHE, MCIPHE, and FCIPHE members who wish to apply for ACP status, WaterSafe membership, or both.

Please ensure all mandatory fields are completed, and the required documents are uploaded in one of the following accepted formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, JPEG, or PNG. Each file must not exceed a maximum size of 4MB to ensure successful processing of your application.

Both schemes are currently free to join for those who meet the criteria—start your application today!

Your details

Additional resources

Please upload your additional resources in one of the following accepted formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, JPEG, or PNG. Each file must not exceed a maximum size of 4MB

Work undertaken

Permission to use your information