Engineering Council updates risk guidance

Ben Hershey Danger

In Construction industry, Engineering

Risk is an inherent part of all engineering activities, especially so in the plumbing and heating industry. It is therefore essential that all engineers and technicians can identify, assess, understand and appropriately manage risk. It is also crucial to be able to communicate about risk, both to other professionals and clients.

To support this, the Engineering Council, the regulatory body for the engineering profession in the UK, has issued updated Guidance on Risk. This guidance is suitable for engineering professionals at all career stages, and across all sectors and specialisms. 

The Guidance on Riskdescribes the role of all those engaged in engineering in dealing with risk, and their responsibilities to society. The revised Guidance on Risksets out the key stages of managing risk and emphasises the need to exercise informed judgment and identify what is an acceptable level of risk – the risk appetite.

This Guidance sets out six principles to ensure all engineering professionals integrate understanding of the environment and sustainability of resources into all aspects of their work. The full Guidance on Riskleaflet, and a convenient wallet card of the six principles, can be downloaded free from:

Alasdair Coates CEng FICE MCIHT CMIOSH, CEO of the Engineering Council said: 

“Engineers have a crucial role to play in assessing and managing risk, especially as they frequently work in safety critical areas. This updated Guidance on Risksupports individual engineers and technicians by providing key principles that can be incorporated into their daily practice with engineering teams, inter-disciplinary teams and when communicating risks to the wider public.” 

The Guidance is reviewed periodically and (following consultation with the engineering community) this edition replaces and updates the previous Guidance on Risk.  The Engineering Council also produces guidance on Security, Sustainability and Whistleblowing, in addition to the Statement of Ethical Principals, published jointly with the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng). This Guidance is reviewed regularly and can be found at:

Want to be part of the community that has a say on Engineering Council guidance? As a licensed professional body, the Chartered Institute of Plumbing & Heating Engineering can register suitably qualified members at Engineering Technician (EngTech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Chartered Engineer (CEng). Find out more.